lovers, parents, photographers, and friends

our life is a lot of things. we are partners and best friends, team mates, we are “mom” and “dad” and we are your photographers. We wear a lot of hats but we are so truly and deeply in love with each one.


if you’ve ever considered a husband and wife team, just let us say this-

we know love. we are able to capture your love in such a way because of how we love eachother. we know eachothers strengths, but we also know eachothers weaknesses and where we need to step u pfor one another.

so much planning goes into your day over glasses of wine at dinner, sometimes even over morning cartoons with our babies. we are able to communicate without words and in a way that typical shooter/second shooter relationships can’t. there is no hierarchy here. we are equal, we are understanding, we are so dedicated to your day and capturing your love the way we would want ours. this makes a world of a difference.

james likes to go for the big picture, the wide angles where you can feel the whole room. alyson likes the close up little emotions that sometimes slip through the cracks. while one of us is capturing your vows, the other is getting the tears. while on of us is getting your first dance under the beautiful flower arch you took hours planning, the other is capturing the raw emotion of the grooms hand resting on her back, holding her as his wife for the very first time. we’re very different in our individual approaches and that is part of what makes us such a great team, and the images we deliver so special and versatile.

meet james.

family man, meat smoker and whiskey enthusiast.

James has been a photographer for almost 10 years, first specializing in portrait and fashion photography. He grew up in Ottawa, ON and has bounced around experiencing city to city life. He’s the one that started this whole thing. He had the camera knowledge, the experience, and the willingness and patience to teach his lovely wife (that’s me) to create something magical. James is also a full time carpenter, so a man of many talents.

If you ever want to see someone’s eyes light up, talk to James about meat smokers. The love he has for these things almost surpasses his love for me. In the warm weather, 90% of the time you will find James outside on our deck with a cigar in hand, glass of whiskey in the other.

James is just as great of a dad as he is a photographer. He has a kind heart, and shows our daughters the most love. He is always willing to hold a Barbie or let our youngest put clips in his hair. Girl dads, am I right?

He is so talented, so kind, and anyone who meets him is so lucky.

meet alyson.

mama, friend, the face behind the emails

hey! it’s me. I am generally the one behind the emails and the social posts so if you’ve wanted to put a face to the captions, here it is!

Locally born and raised in Kitchener, I have always had an undeniable eagerness to learn. It is an itch I have to scratch. If I don’t know something, even if I will never use it again in my life

I just have to learn. So when James and I started dating, and he was already a photographer, I was intrigued. I watched over his shoulder at every shoot we did, asking questions and learning the technical aspect of things. I am a super social person so I was the posing assistant that James always but didn’t know he needed. From there, I did the jump from posing assistant to photographer and I’m so glad I did. I absolutely love it. It’s one of those things that you didn’t know what you were missing til you have it. I can’t imagine now doing this job

During the day, I am also an executive assistant, which I think translates well across our business. I know and enjoy all of the behind the scenes stuff. I am a mama to two beautiful angel girls, Ryleigh (10) and Olivia (2). Some of you might actually remember Olivia from her newborn days when we would bring her in a slingwrap to photoshoots. Family, my husband, and my girls are the most important things in life to me. They are my reason and inspiration for everything. 

to be honest, we accidentally fell into this. we picked it back up as a hobby, but it turned into something so much more magical. we never imaged it being this. we have truly fallen in love with being part of something so special for our clients. there are no words to say thank you for even simply being on this page.


when we’re not shooting, you will generally find us outside. the second that sun comes out, we want to soak up every second of it. whether it just be in our little pool, laying in the grass talking with our girls, going on long walks with our pup Sable, or heading out to the park. we’re also huge music people. james is a total metalhead through and through, and I have gone that direction but have always been a country music kind of girl. if there’s ever a concert in those genres, we’re there. we enjoy hosting and treating our loved ones to tasty meals and drinks, good conversation and lots of snuggles from our girls.

we love spending long weekends and summer holidays at the cottage, up north on the lake. so here and there you will see an “out of office” message pop up on our instagram and if you’re wondering what we’re doing when that does happen, its a 99% chance we’re laying on the dock listening to the waves or getting pictures of the stars.

“the fundamental glue that holds any relationship together is trust.”

we believe the most important thing before moving forward in this relationship is that everyone involved is 1000% sure we are the best fit for eachother. Let’s connect and vibe.

let's connect